Saturday, May 22, 2010


some ships sink while others float
but one is there inside you
you may not feel it while it's afloat
but it is still there...smiling

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Providing Feedback

Some people say that my writing doesn't sound like a nine year old wrote it so I want to see what the world thinks so if you can please provide some feedback about my work and tell me what I should improve on or what I wrote nicely and why you think it is nice I would be very thankful.

The Earth

The Earth

Do you think about the Earth
That's what I always say
Do you care if it is gone
And there is no where else to stay
Well say yes if you agree
If you don't then just flee
Don't you see what is around
Don't you know what it is you need
All we need is you to make this world a better place
So place your heart where it is right
And don't start a fight...Between you and THE EARTH